T-Rex: The ultimatum game is an economics game thing! Two anonymous strangers have to decide how to divide a sum of money between themselves.
T-Rex: Player One proposes a non-zero split, and Player Two can either accept or reject it!
T-Rex: If Two accepts, they both take their money and go their separate ways. But if Two rejects, NOBODY gets any money. And the game is played only once, so there's no worry about reprisals.
Dromiceiomimus: So what's the problem? Player Two should accept all the time - some money is better than none, right?
T-Rex: That's what's so interesting! When there's really unfair offers (90/10, 99/1), some players reject them anyway.
Utahraptor: Maybe they'd rather have their pride than a few dollars!
T-Rex: Exactly!
Utahraptor: I suppose it shows that people aren't motivated ENTIRELY by greed, even in situations involving money and a stranger you'll never see again.
T-Rex: Exactly, and that's something! We're not ALL motivated by greed. Some of us are ALSO motivated by pride.