T-Rex: Sleeping with the window open: second best thing ever?
T-Rex: OR, absolutely the BEST thing ever??
Dromiceiomimus: Man, you must really like sleeping with the window open, T-Rex!
T-Rex: Sure do! I love getting a fresh breeze on my face and smelling the dew on the grass or whatever that night-time smell is. It's great! In summary and in conclusion: if there's a sleeping with the window open fan club, sign me up to be EL PRESIDENTE.
Utahraptor: We're out of food!
T-Rex: And ammo!
Utahraptor: What will we do? Someone will kill us soon to take our supplies and eat us probably!
T-Rex: We're doomed! Damn this dystopian future! What kind of world have we made for our children??
T-Rex: Sleeping with the window open still rules, though!
Off panel: Obviously!!