T-Rex: I have made another exciting music-themed discovery:
T-Rex: Any song can have its lyrics replaced with variations on the word "chimichangas"!
T-Rex: For example: "Chim chimi chang chim chimi chang chimichangas!"
Dromiceiomimus: I - I don't recognize that song.
T-Rex: Come on! Everyone knows it.
Utahraptor: This is one weaksauce discovery, T-Rex!
T-Rex: You wound me!
Utahraptor: Well, sorry! But come on, this is just a variation on scat, only for some reason you're limiting yourself to a single Mexican food.
T-Rex: 〚small〛 it works really well with songs from Mary Poppins
Narrator: EARLIER:
T-Rex: What a delightful film!