T-Rex: What is the deal with second base? Nobody actually knows what it represents!
T-Rex: (Second base in the sexually euphemistic sense, of course!)
Dromiceiomimus: Everyone knows what second base is, T-Rex! First base is significant glances across a crowded room, second is quietly holding hands, third base is eating the same strand of spaghetti and a home run is totally smooching!
T-Rex: I find these bases to be highly improbable, Dromiceiomimus!
Utahraptor: I think that people know what the bases are - but if they don't, that's cool too!
T-Rex: Why?
Utahraptor: I don't know! I think it's because it makes the whole crass "how far did you go" talk a lot more adorable if the guys involved are just making up what the checkpoints are as they go along.
T-Rex: It's cute that these tough guys have no idea what's going on?
Utahraptor: Yeah!
T-Rex: But wimpy guys talk about women too!
Off panel: Wimpy guys talk about a lot of things!
T-Rex: Hah hah! Like COMPUTERS.