T-Rex: People are always like, "Boo hoo hoo! I'm not motivated!" Well, not anymore! Not since I, T-Rex, have decided to become...
T-Rex: ... a motivational speaker!
T-Rex: It'll be fantastic, Dromiceiomimus! I will motivate through a combination of folk wisdom and "uncommon sense" advice couched in clever stock market analogies!
Dromiceiomimus: Sounds great?
Utahraptor: I don't think the world needs what you're offering, T-Rex!
T-Rex: Think positive, friend!
Utahraptor: No, really! I don't know anyone who's ever been motivated by an insincere catch phrase. I think you need to get back to basics, if you're serious about this!
T-Rex: Basics, eh? Hmm...
Narrator: LATER:
T-Rex: Excuse me! Unmotivated people? I'm T-Rex, your motivational speaker!
T-Rex: So! Has anyone here ever tried setting goals, and then achieving those goals?