T-Rex: Okay - um, okay! T-Rex: "I-I've been awakened by nuclear testing!" um T-Rex: "Rawr!"
T-Rex: "Oh boy, I see in the distance a villag- CITY that I can destroy!"
T-Rex: "Look out humanity! For I embody... um... Off panel: 〚small〛 Post-war nuclear paranoia! T-Rex: Right, right! "LOOK OUT, humanity! I embody post-war nuclear paranoia!" T-Rex: 〚small〛 Was that okay?
Utahraptor: Cut! Cut, cut, cut! T-Rex: What? That was perfect!
Utahraptor: It was awful! Look, I know you're trying your best, and you're my friend, T-Rex, but you didn't even memorize your lines! T-Rex: I did! Utahraptor: You didn't! Look, it's my movie, and I'm going to put the Dromiceiomimus in the lead.
What are the haps my friends
the best part of internet comics is wearing them
This comic is from June 15th, 2004! I didn't write things down here back then. Or maybe I did, and they are now LOST FOREVER. But here is a random merchandise image; perhaps you are... tantalized?