T-Rex: 5000 years in the future, Leibowitz has finally gotten his canticle, reports from the minority have all been submitted, and the question of whether or not androids dream of electric sheep has been answered.
T-Rex: "It depends on the android."!
T-Rex: But in this distant future, can we even recognize this world as our own? Perhaps not! For you see, after strange rocks from outer space arrive on Earth, most life is killed, and that which remains struggles to survive in an even braver new world, one well beyond the imagination of even our most skilled imaginers of new worlds, brave OR otherwise!
Utahraptor: What? That's it? That's your whole story??
T-Rex: Yep! I said it's beyond imagination, so I don't know why you expect ME to tell you about it. Other scifi authors promise you worlds beyond imagination and then LITERALLY IMAGINE THEM FOR YOU, so they should go to lie jail. I promise the same and live up to my word, so I should go to an island for smart geniuses.
T-Rex: Although of course, TECHNICALLY, any island I go to is an island for smart geniuses. Hah!
T-Rex: ...
T-Rex: ...Utahraptor, please return, I need an audience