T-Rex: One day Sherlock Holmes, who was like Batman - but with a way worse costume; no secret identity;
T-Rex: a less growly voice;
T-Rex: ninja skills that could be rated charitably as "slim to none"; a cape that, IF HE REMEMBERED TO WEAR IT, wasn't even black;
Dromiceiomimus: no personally-branded computers, signals, ropes, planes, mobiles, or -arangs;
T-Rex: a lair that was just an apartment with a regular address that ANYONE CAN GO TO instead of a secret cave with a giant penny inside PLUS A ROBOT DINOSAUR;
Utahraptor: a sidekick whose origin was "we were friends before and we still are", which doesn't even involve a single circus;
T-Rex: no "family" of friends and compatriots who also fight crime and solve mysteries under a similar costumed theme, meaning the possibility of a "Sherlock Woman", an "Ace The Sherhound", and a semi-reformed Moriarty whose true allegiances are always in doubt are all left ENTIRELY on the table;
T-Rex: - frowned. "If only Batman were in the public domain," Sherlock deduced, "I could steal all those ideas, especially the Moriarty one, which I have already deduced is cool."
T-Rex: Utahraptor! I call my tale "The Story So Awesome THE LAW Made It ILLEGAL For Me To Write It"!!