T-Rex: Tired of the brutal inefficiency of standard calculators? YEAH YOU ARE. Or at least you're about to be, when you find out about...
T-Rex: In reverse Polish notation you enter the numbers, and THEN the operation! And numbers get put on a stack that's used by operations. For example, to calculate "(1+2)x3" on a regular calculator, I'd have to type "1 + 2 = x 3 =", a whopping SEVEN keystrokes! In RPN, I just type "1 ENTER 2 + 3 X", a mere six keystrokes that gives you but a GLIMPSE of an input scheme of pure beauty and efficiency.
Utahraptor: Today is the day. Today is finally the day.
T-Rex: Explain!
Utahraptor: Today is the day that I say "I'm sorry, but a debate over which input style used in handheld calculators is, at last, too geeky for me".
T-Rex: Hah! Spoken like someone whose input method on handheld calculators is a mere 85.7% as efficient as mine!
T-Rex: 6 ENTER 7 / 100 X