T-Rex: One day a witch transformed a human prince into a frog, under the condition that her spell could only be broken... by a kiss!
Narrator: a peer-reviewed fairy tale
T-Rex: Of course, once word of this got out - and once the prince returned to human form via an experimental control kiss under scientific conditions - the witch's services were in high demand. She'd managed to reversibly condense the human minds into smaller forms, which had huge implications for medicine, transport, society - the works.
T-Rex: It was a truly revolutionary technology!
Utahraptor: So did the witch franchise out her technique to enable that revolution?
T-Rex: She sure did!
T-Rex: Soon the middle class flew as frogs rather than humans, saving thousands in transit costs. But the very poor would spend years as frogs simply to reduce pressure on their food budget! The result was a return to feudalism, in which a cruel ruling class refused to kiss their frog serfs unless they were paid exorbitant sums of money.
T-Rex: It is inescapable to conclude that in this universe, Batman was a person who went around kissing frogs to save them from criminal vassal lords, and it is my ONE REGRET that we shall never read these challenging, doubtlessly exciting narratives.