T-Rex: In Risk you play as totalitarian heads of state who enjoy absolute loyalty from their armies!
T-Rex: And the only way to win is by taking over the entire world!
T-Rex: When you win most games of Risk end, the victor satisfied in their complete and utter victory. But those who have won Risk know the game doesn't end there. How can world domination succeed? You've taken over the world with military might, but asking all of Earth to accept your rule without revolution is too much. Revolution will come. And the day will arrive when you are unable to crush it.
Utahraptor: And your empire crumbles, as all empires must?
T-Rex: Exactly.
T-Rex: You must play again, trying to take over the world once more. If you win, you're haunted by the inevitable fall that must come. And if you lose, you're haunted by memories of your past victories. And so you return, once more, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into another game of Risk.
T-Rex: *sigh*
T-Rex: ...I plagiarized that last line but you get the idea