T-Rex: A hospital?
T-Rex: No wait! Better: a PUPPY hospital!
Dromiceiomimus: Maybe - a puppy hospital for ORPHAN puppies?
T-Rex: A puppy hospital for orphan puppies who only ever wanted to be your friend, but you were too busy with "work" to welcome a puppy into your life. "I don't blame them," the puppies think. "It's obvious I just wasn't worth it."
Dromiceiomimus: They slowly settle down on the concrete floor, a whimper escaping them once, just once.
Utahraptor: Do they perhaps think this while coughing weakly?
T-Rex: Yes! YES.
T-Rex: The orphan hospital puppies try to bark but all they can do is cough, and their puppy brains are too small for actual thought, but if we could put what's fluttering around at the edge of their consciousness into words it'd be "why am I here if this is all there is??"
Utahraptor: ...
T-Rex: *sigh*
T-Rex: You know, I don't know WHY we play this game SO OFTEN