T-Rex: When self-driving cars are a thing, pedestrian safety will be much improved! These coming "CompuCarz 2000", as I am certain they will be called, will be assessing their environment several hundred times per second.
T-Rex: Regular drivers assess their environment anywhere from 0 to 0.9 times per second, TOPS.
T-Rex: Step in front of a car today and you have to hope the driver notices you AND reacts in time, and neither is guaranteed! That's why doing that is so dangerous. But CompuCarz 2000 won't have these concerns! Step in front of THEM, 360° cameras notice you instantly and move to avoid! With such guarantees, PEDESTRIANS will once again rule city streets, FORCING traffic to flow around them like a river flows around a rock!
Utahraptor: So you believe a pedestrian utopia is coming, thanks to technology.
T-Rex: Yep!
Utahraptor: But jaywalking is a crime. Couldn't the same technology that's observing the environment ALSO instantly take pictures of jaywalkers, run facial recognition, and submit reports to police, THOUSANDS OF TIMES PER SECOND?? And could they not do this for OTHER crimes, turning traffic into ubiquitous surveillance??
T-Rex: Man! EVERY TIME I see a techno-utopia coming, we mess 'em up with some FRIGGIN' BALONEY like automatic facial recognition.
Off panel: This tech could also be used for passing cars to display customized advertising to pedestrians!
T-Rex: SHH! Don't TELL 'EM that!!