T-Rex: The generation that fought WWII got called "The Greatest Generation"! Pretty slick move, Greatest Generation! They saw no other group had yet decided to name themselves "The #1 Best Collection Of People Since Time Began"...
T-Rex: ...and they WENT FOR IT.
T-Rex: But, thus emboldened, they NEVER STOPPED NAMING GENERATIONS. They all had babies - ARGUABLY TOO MANY - and called them "Baby Boomers". Perfect, right? Of COURSE a generation that would turn into today's seniors would nickname their babies "boomers". That's just what you'd expect a proto-grandparent to do!
Utahraptor: Did the Greatest Generation stop there?
T-Rex: Next they labelled "Generation X" and called 'em SLACKERS. We were at peak "kids these days", OR SO WE THOUGHT, until they came up with "millennials": EVEN WORSE kids these days! Do you know that millennials use COMPUTERS more often than seniors do, and seniors use computers precisely the correct amount??
T-Rex: I was unaware of this but then I got stuck on a bus with a senior and now I'm woke af