T-Rex: Turns out it's really expensive to get the rights to remake movies! But GOOD NEWS:
T-Rex: Turns out it's really cheap just to illegally mess with them on your computer!
T-Rex: I therefore am now creating FIXED FILMS, wherein all the humans have been digitally removed, leaving only backgrounds behind them!
Dromiceiomimus: So most of movies consist of quiet, contemplative scenes of landscapes, with only background noise behind them?
T-Rex: YES. Sometimes there's car chases too though! Empty cars chase empty cars until one crashes, its doors open up, and nothing happens!
Utahraptor: What about when you don't know what the background looks like?
T-Rex: There I'll sub in some dinosaurs!
T-Rex: They'll be positioned like humans though, so they match the sillouette.
Utahraptor: Like this?
T-Rex: Yeah!!
Utahraptor: Hi, I'm a human! I have a wiry extrustion that slowly pushes through my skin no matter what! I call it "hair!"
T-Rex: Perfect!!
Off panel: I named myself "homo sapiens sapiens" which stands for "smart smart human"! We all thought that was a good idea! I'm on the endangered species list under "LEAST CONCERN" because if I go extinct then by god, everyone else is too!!
T-Rex: Utahraptor, pull it back!! YOU'VE GONE FULL HUMAN