T-Rex: You know what'd be a big pain? Translating all our many and varied laws into a new language. And you know what'd be an even bigger pain? Picking another new language and doing it all again!
T-Rex: Anyway GUESS WHAT, that's what England did because of reasons!
T-Rex: They had 'em in Latin, rewrote them all in French, and then rewrote them all AGAIN in English. And when this translating job was going on, the lawyers wanted to make sure there was no meaning lost, so in the English laws they'd use synonyms originally from Latin or French to ensure they were absolutely clear. So on top of saying "cease", they'd add "and desist"!
Utahraptor: On top of will, "and testament"!
T-Rex: Exactly!
T-Rex: Break and enter, aid and abet, lewd and lascivious, law and order, terms and conditions, null and void, free and clear: our legalspeak is so wordy because our laws were translated multiple times, and the translators, as lawyers, wanted to cover their butts.
Utahraptor: Hey, are you thinking what I'm thinking??
T-Rex and off panel: Put "to have and to hold" at the start and it's the complete story of our weekend!!
Off panel: Incidentally, how come we don't get invited to more weddings?
T-Rex: Dude, I have NO IDEA.