T-Rex: Luke Skywalker gripped his lightsaber tightly and scowled. "I'll ask you one last time," he said through clenched teeth. "And if you know what's good for you, you'll answer. Tell me why you're here...
Dromiceiomimus: Agent Mulder from TV's X-Files went forward in time to when there's wars between the very stars themselves?
T-Rex: Pfft. NO, he went BACK in time. He set his time machine to "long ago, far away" and ended up here. No wait!! The CIGARETTE SMOKING MAN set the controls to that.
T-Rex: Because of a conspiracy.
Utahraptor: Are you writing this live?
T-Rex: NO, obviously not!
Utahraptor: Oh. That's too bad. If you were, I was gonna say Luke and Mulder should bond over their shared belief in a (or... THE?) "force" which has long invisibly manipulated events, while Scully could bring skepticism to the resistance.
T-Rex: Frig, man. That's not bad.
Off panel: She also brings cell phone technology, which would allow the resistance to tactically outmanoeuvre the Empire, using texting to ensure information superiority.
T-Rex: Good news, Utahraptor! It's not too late for me to throw away my story and plagiarize yours!!