T-Rex: If you love someone, pretend not to care so much, and then if they happen to care more than you're pretending NOT to, then it was meant to be.
T-Rex: This is what adult relationships look like.
T-Rex: If you love something, set it free!
T-Rex: Being rejected by someone you love can be very upsetting, but I'd much rather gender that reaction to imply that fully half the population is, quite frankly, ridiculously mentally unstable.
Dromiceiomimus: Oooh, I got this one! Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned!
T-Rex: Don't worry: dogs displaying aggression are absolutely safe to approach.
Utahraptor: His bark is worse than his bite!
T-Rex: I sustain and spread racist stereotypes that originate in an IMAGINARY STORY that is LITERALLY OVER TWO THOUSAND YEARS OLD.
Utahraptor: Beware of Greeks bearing gifts! Facts are equal to the work performed by those facts, divided by time.
T-Rex: Knowledge is power!
T-Rex: It is objectively better to NOT know a thing than to know a thing.
Off panel: 2x COMBO!! "Ignorance is bliss" AND "no news is good news"!
T-Rex: Hah hah hah!
T-Rex: WHY do we keep repeating these AWFUL IDEAS??