T-Rex: Superman is good at reporting, can fly, can survive in space AND can travel through time. He should be doing SCIENCE. Good grief, we could learn so much about EVERYTHING if Superman would put on a lab coat once in a while!
T-Rex: The Flash can run at relativistic speeds AT STREET LEVEL. In order to survive this, his thought process is INSANELY sped up. The man should be a scientist too! He could dedicate a lifetime's worth of thought-hours working on something in the time it would take the rest of us to BLINK.
Dromiceiomimus: He'd also make a good mathematician.
T-Rex: He'd make a good anything that requires thought!!
Utahraptor: Is there a superhero that SHOULDN'T be a scientist, in your estimation?
T-Rex: Aquaman?
T-Rex: Hah, just kidding! 95% of the ocean floor has never been seen, and 99.5% of the ocean itself is unexplored! Dude should be a marine scientist.
Utahraptor: So all superheroes should be scientists.
T-Rex: It's just - we've already got police to fight crime is all??
T-Rex: They've done a pretty good job so far and I don't see Brainiac running around in real life that much? Except at comic conventions?
T-Rex: But I have been told that they enjoy a relationship to reality similar to that which mall Santas do to the Real Deal??