T-Rex: So there's a zombie apocalypse raging in the afterlife. The ghost world is overrun by ghostflesh-eating ghost-zombies.
T-Rex: Ladies and gentlemen: we have lost the spirit realm!
T-Rex: But we have not lost OUR realm! We can do all we can to make THIS world as beautiful and wonderful as we can.
Dromiceiomimus: But how can we do that, knowing that when we die, our ghosts will be consumed by zombie ghosts?
T-Rex: The answer is simple, Dromiceiomimus!
T-Rex: We
T-Rex: don't
T-Rex: die.
Utahraptor: But everybody dies!
T-Rex: Not vampires! Not as long as they stay out of the sun!
T-Rex: And THAT'S how we choose to fight. We choose vampirism. We choose to dedicate our now-immortal lives to rediscovering the ancient science of ghost-on-ghost bustin'. And when we're finally ready, we make our last choice: to step out into the dawn, and begin our ultimate, greatest battle: Dinosaur Vampires vs Zombie Ghosts.
T-Rex: Only we can't call it that because it sounds stupid.
Off panel: "Mourning Glory"?
T-Rex: I was gonna go with "Mourning Sickness" because of the whole zombie / disease thing but yeah that's way better!!