Narrator: COMPRESSED FILM COMICS today's film:
Narrator: WARGAMES
T-Rex: I am Matthew Broderick: computer hacker!
T-Rex: And I've accidentally wardialed my way into a secret military computer that I mistake for a game developer's machine. I believe I will play this mysterious game called "GLOBAL THERMONUCLEAR WAR"
Dromiceiomimus: Let's bomb Los Angeles!
T-Rex: Kay! Incidentally, I use an acoustic coupler as a modem, and that's so retro it's cool again.
Dromiceiomimus: No argument here
Utahraptor: I'm a US Military Agent!
T-Rex: Holy smokes!
Utahraptor: You're under arrest for hacking into our computer and also it's still playing your game and it controls our nukes and it's definitely going to start WW ]|[ by launching them against the Soviets. Cold War, remember?
T-Rex: No worries! I will teach it the MADness of its actions through zillions of tied games of Tic-Tac-Toe!
Narrator: LATER:
Off panel: 〚“computer” font〛 A strange game, Matthew Broderick. It seems the only winning move is not to play.
T-Rex: Oh my God. I love this movie.
Off panel: Man, me too! They should totally do a crossover with me and Skynet.