Bluesky!  It's good... SO FAR
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What are the haps my friends

October 10th, 2006: Thank you everyone for sponsoring me! You are all awesome and I have made the minimum and will TOTALLY BE CLIMBING UP THE TOWER on the October 21st. The money raised goes to the United Way. If you still want to be generous, you can sponsor my brother Victor and my friend Allene (who you might know from her comics), who will be climbing with me! NO SLOWIES ALLOWED

ATTENTION FIREFOX USERS: here is a clever script that remembers the last comic you read for my comic, as well as for Megatokyo and Sinfest. It is pretty clever! Thanks, ecmanaut! Also while we're talking Firefox here is a patch that corrects Firefox's 6-year-old and still unfixed title text bug, which you might also want for reading my comic.

Finally I just got that problem, the one where all your emails since January get suddenly erased forever, so if you've sent me something in the past little while that requires a response, please to send it again!

One year ago today: intelligent design comics, featuring: talking dinosaurs coexisting with humans!

– Ryan

big ups and shouts out