T-Rex: Dear poets, I am sorry I've been making fun of your craft for over 20 years. It is actually harder than it looks!
Narrator: AN APOLOGY TO Narrator: POETS
T-Rex: I have been trying, UNSUCCESSFULLY, to write a poem for the past half hour. I am trying to capture the emotion of getting up early in winter, during a heavy snowfall, and going for a walk and coming across a set of traffic lights (the kind that switch automatically) controlling traffic that isn't there, traffic that won't be there for hours. The sense of seeing them as art, of watching them through the snowfall in the crisp dusk of a new day.
Utahraptor: So let's hear what you've written so far! T-Rex: Okay, but I warn you: it is unfinished.
T-Rex: "Once upon a time / Some traffic lights did time / Colours on the snow / Where oh where did they all go?" Utahraptor: Hah hah! That is definitely the worst poem I've heard all day. T-Rex: Oh yeah? Well, not if I do... THIS!
T-Rex: "Dancing is crazy; fun to do / Would you like to dance? Yes, you!" Off panel: That's actually way better than the last one. T-Rex: Are there cash awards for poetry, do you know?
What are the haps my friends
gosh well would you look at that
This comic is from March 6th, 2006! I didn't write things down here back then. Or maybe I did, and they are now LOST FOREVER. But here is a random merchandise image; perhaps you are... tantalized?