T-Rex: Theme parks!
T-Rex: What is their deal, I might ask??
Dromiceiomimus: Well T-Rex, they're parks all built around an idea, or "theme", that one can attend to be entertained.
T-Rex: Yeah, I get that part, but like - why? Why would you want to do this? I encounter and consider many themes throughout a day, but that doesn't mean I need them in park form!
Utahraptor: Have you ever been to one?
T-Rex: Sure haven't!!
Utahraptor: Oh, so what you need to understand is it's like a cool bar to hang out with your friends, except they have tons of different foods, and you can go on rides between hangouts! And everything you can buy is themed to that bar. And while you're there you're under pervasive surveillance.
Off panel: And also the bar's cover fee is insane, like hundreds of dollars, and there's no alcohol.
Off panel: ...I may not be selling this well.
T-Rex: No no, this actually sounds GREAT for an increasingly small subset of themes!!