T-Rex: Let's say it's a post-apocalyptic future!
T-Rex: Everything's bad and broken and stuff!
T-Rex: But now let's say it's a POST-post apocalyptic future, or "2PA". Civilization has rebuilt, and things are similar, only different! Like instead of drinking COCA Cola, they drink PEPSI Cola!!
Utahraptor: You really gotta broaden your horizons more.
T-Rex: Fine: RC Cola.
T-Rex: But now let's say it's a POST-post-POST-apocalyptic future, or 3PA. Things suck! But at 4PA, they can be weird and good again! Even PAs are good, and odd PAs suck eggs. Or as they say in my 26PA story, "odd PAs suck cluckerfruit (because we call chickens 'cluckers' and eggs 'cluckerfruit')".
Off panel: They say that every time eggs come up in conversation??
T-Rex: Uh, the world is a VERY different place once you reach 5+PAs, Utahraptor??