T-Rex: Um...
T-Rex: ...why did nobody tell me there's a GRAVEYARD in SPACE??
T-Rex: I thought I had arranged my whole life and interests such that if any graveyards in space get invented AND/OR discovered, I would hear about it! AND YET, I HAD TO DISCOVER THIS MYSELF??
Dromiceiomimus: It's just an Earth orbit for satellites, no?
Utahraptor: Yeah, it's just a fancy name for where we put used-up satellites.
T-Rex: No, it's more!!
T-Rex: It's a stable orbit way far out that could survive HUNDREDS of millions of years! That's INSANE! Anything put in that orbit is going to outlast our civilization! If - IF - I ever die, please PLEASE put my body in a graveyard
Utahraptor: Sure, no prob-
T-Rex: I want future generations to find my beautiful corpse and say "how'd he get into this orbit, THIS dude must've owned SO HARD??"
T-Rex: And then they'll find a note in my hand that says "lol i really did own 24/7"??