T-Rex: Dollface Danny, who was now a criminal with an awesome name but that's not the point of this story, sighed. What was even the point? Why should he commit crimes...
T-Rex: ...in a world in which SHERLOCK HOLMES was real?
Dromiceiomimus: Just to clarify, is Dollface in the fictional world in which Sherlock stories usually take place, or is he in our world, but it's now one in which Sherlock Holmes has suddenly become real?
T-Rex: Ooh, it was going to be the first one, but now it's the second!
Utahraptor: Is just Sherlock Holmes real, or are more fictional characters doing that too?
T-Rex: At first things were great, because Sherlock's a good guy to have around, but then when Godzilla and Cthulhu became real things were bad again. But then they fought, and it was amazing, though lots of cities got smushed, so again: pretty bad.
T-Rex: Dollface Danny dies in the middle of all of this, and I'm sorry for your loss.
Off panel: I'm okay. I didn't really care about him.
T-Rex: Oh wow, Dollface Danny is also sorry for your INCREDIBLE LACK OF EMPATHY