T-Rex: Everyone thinks Shakespeare was SO SMART and THE GREATEST WRITER EVER, but guess what? I'm here to put the final nail in the coffin of THAT particular idea!
T-Rex: The dude made tons of mistakes! Objective mistakes!
T-Rex: "A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"? INCORRECT. The names things are given matter, which is why corporations spend millions on branding! Would you rather fly "economy class" or "big ol' losers who smell" class? MOST WOULD CHOSE THE FORMER, even if they're identical, and EVEN IF smelly loser class gives you a free wet nap! SHAKESPEARE SCREWED UP, yo!
Utahraptor: He was using figurative language!
T-Rex: Doesn't make it accurate!
Utahraptor: You know what? FINE. I'll admit that Shakespeare, a man writing FICTION hundreds of years ago, may not have been 100% accurate to reality 100% of the time.
T-Rex: THANK you.
T-Rex: Now admit that King Lear would've been better if he was a giant robot named King L.E.A.R.!
Off panel: I WILL NOT