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What are the haps my friends

October 2nd, 2009: Guys, it's fall! Usually this time of year I change the footer way down at the bottom of each page to my awesome and classily-animated fall footer, done for me years ago by a certainly lovely AND SEXY reader. But it doesn't fit the dimensions of the new site! So I am having another contest: send me your best 96x1000 Dinosaur Comics fall-themed image that is set up to loop left-to-right, and I'll put it on the site for fall and link any website of your choosing the day it goes up! You can use this image as a template: see how it's 1000x96? See how the left side meets up with the right, allowing me to have it tiled nicely on a single background? Like that! Also it can be animated if you want!

Thanks guys! I'm excited about this: the summer image I got last time was and is super rad! You can send the images to this address right here.

One year ago today: british readers: wikipedia tells me that you call the telephone game "chinese whispers". that's racist, british readers. that's racist, wikipedia.

– Ryan

big ups and shouts out