T-Rex: Retail therapy is when you buy things to make yourself feel better!
T-Rex: And boy, DOES IT WORK!
Narrator: this concludes "pro retail-therapy comics" Narrator: stop reading here if you want to feel good about retail therapy
Utahraptor: ...But retail therapy only works for a little while, and then you feel bad again. T-Rex: Yes! Sadly!
T-Rex: However, on a COSMIC time scale, remember our ENTIRE LIVES are but a blip - an unnoticeable aberration in a freezing and empty cosmos! No matter WHAT we do, there is a huge, unknown and unknowable part of the universe our lives WILL never and CAN never affect, and it's literally pointless to try!!
Narrator: this concludes "pro existential-dread comics" Narrator: stop reading three panels ago if you want to feel good about most things in general