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What are the haps my friends

can dinosaur comics merchandise really fix it all? it might, maybe it can

September 4th, 2008: One such "bingo being used to power poker" machine is found here, and here's bingo-powered slots by the same company: both serve as proof that I am not lying to you through the happy medium of comics right now! It makes he hold out hope for bingo-powered chess.

I found these bingo-powered poker machines to be really interesting, because in Joey's interview with author Helen DeWitt, she talks about games being untranslatable, about the impossibility of translating poker into chess. I wouldn't say these bingo-powered poker machines are a translation of bingo (they're more of an absurd interface to it than anything else), but they're interesting to consider in that context!

One year ago today: i got most of the way through this comic when i realized that t-rex was kinda riffing on dan savage's 'santorum'. AH WELL.

– Ryan

big ups and shouts out