T-Rex: Hey Dromiceiomimus! Give me a thigh five! Dromiceiomimus: A what? T-Rex: What? Whoah, I meant to say "A high five", of course! T-Rex: Oh man. What an embarrassing slip of the tongue! I have to go now!
Narrator: LATER: T-Rex: What the heck? A thigh five? Where did that even come from? Utahraptor: What's going on?
T-Rex: Oh, hey Utahraptor. DID YOU KNOW that I just accidently asked the Dromiceiomimus to give me a thigh five? Utahraptor: Hah hah! I did NOT! What would that be, anyway? You both on your backs, slappin your legs together in the air?
T-Rex: My friend, thigh fives are a ridiculous way of expressing enthusiasm. I am aware of this! T-Rex: This is not the issue here!
What are the haps my friends
members of the attractive sex may be unable to resist you
This comic is from November 30th, 2004! I didn't write things down here back then. Or maybe I did, and they are now LOST FOREVER. But here is a random merchandise image; perhaps you are... tantalized?