T-Rex: If you are on a page with six different flashing "download now!" buttons, I'm way good at knowing which one is the link to the actual file you want! T-Rex: Ladies.
Narrator: GOOD AT CAPTCHAS T-Rex: Do you ever wonder if computers are the ones training us to do their reading for them, for when the robot revolution comes? Like, perhaps the Earth will be coated with a haze that distorts letters in weird and bendy ways and they'll need us to read their refueling instructions? Dromiceiomimus: Oh, constantly
Narrator: DOESN'T FORGET TO CHARGE PERSONAL ELECTRONICS Utahraptor: Be still my beating heart! T-Rex: So sexy!
Narrator: NOT READING THE COMMENTS T-Rex: Turns out all you need is a desire NOT to interact with homophobic, racist strangers! T-Rex and Utahraptor: WHO KNEW
Narrator: WRITING BACK TO ALL EMAILS WITH JUST "haha cool" REGARDLESS OF SENDER OR MESSAGE CONTENT T-Rex: I don't get that many emails anymore! Off panel: Nice! T-Rex: Yes, truly, this IS what freedom tastes like