T-Rex: Some trees have been to the moon!! What the heck?
T-Rex: Their seeds went to the moon, anyway. 500 of 'em, up on Apollo 14 and back to Earth again and then planted some MOON TREES in various places to see if the moon did anything to 'em! It didn't! So NASA gave the rest away. Dromiceiomimus: So hundreds of TREES made it to the moon before a single woman did. Dromiceiomimus: HUH.
Utahraptor: Where are all these trees growing? T-Rex: Hahaha nobody knows!
T-Rex: The program was almost entirely forgotten until a third-grade class in the 90s found a tree with a "moon tree" plaque on it and asked NASA about it and they were like "OH YEAH, WAIT, FRIG, MAYBE THAT RINGS A BELL" and they're still trying to find out where they all went. Utahraptor: Neat!
T-Rex: Yep! And that means there's a non-zero chance that any redwood or Douglas fir tree you meet that's 50 years old or less could be a SECRET MOON ASTRONAUT. Off panel: But not any women. T-Rex: Again, no, but please let's just enjoy tree facts
What are the haps my friends
i hope you like high fives
November 17th, 2023:I came across moon trees while researching an unrelated subject and was like "friendship ended with unrelated subject, moon trees are my best friend now".