T-Rex: There are a lot of out of copyright characters that you can use for free! For example, may I suggest...
T-Rex: We know SEVERAL things about this famous nursery rhymes lamb: it's little, its fleece is white as snow, and everywhere that Mary went the lamb is sure to go. T-Rex: Delightful! I can't wait to find out more about this dynamic hero of song and story!!
Utahraptor: So - what are we supposed to do with this lamb character? T-Rex: Whatever we want! That's the point!
T-Rex: Perhaps a gritty reboot where the lamb is instead a L.A.M.B: a bionic enforcer robot? Or flip the script and give us a dystopia where the lamb has a little Mary? Or MAYBE the lamb instead has a M.A.R.Y: a different and more DEADLY type of bionic enforcer!!
T-Rex: M.A.R.Y had a little L.A.M.B., its F.L.E.E.C.E. was white as S.N.O.W., and everywhere that M.A.R.Y. went, the L.A.M.B. was sure to G.O.! Off panel: G.O. stands for...? T-Rex: "Genetically obliterate", Utahraptor! T-Rex: THERE ARE NO S.U.R.V.I.V.O.R.S.
What are the haps my friends
i hope you like it
September 23rd, 2016:I hope you enjoyed this comic about fictional character "Lamb" who I must legally tell you is NOT owned by DC (Dinosaur Comics) either! I'm just WILD AND CRAZY OVER HERE!!