T-Rex: One day Batman was out solving crimes - WHICH HE WAS REALLY GOOD AT - when it occurred to him: is there anything he ISN'T good at?
T-Rex: Batman scowled expertly at the thought!
T-Rex: He called Alfred up on his built-in cowl Batphone, a device that worked anywhere which he single-handedly invented, engineered, and produced. Alfred challenged him to prove that he was great at paying his butlers a billion dollars, but Batman was an expert at not being manipulated, so he figured out what was going on well before the wire transfer was all the way done.
Utahraptor: Was Batman a prodigy at everything, even things he'd never trained for? T-Rex: YES.
T-Rex: Bats picked up a hockey stick and found he was untouchable on ice. His first painting became an instant classic. Baffled, he tried writing My Little Pony fan fiction, and it won a Congressional Medal of Honour. Utahraptor: They don't give awards for - T-Rex: THEY CHANGED THE RULES JUST FOR HIS STORY.
T-Rex: However, Batman also had god-tier humility, and knew that if he dominated every field it would hurt a lot of people. So instead he confined his efforts to beating up plant ladies in alleyways. T-Rex: *sigh* T-Rex: HE WAS THE GREATEST MAN EVER BORN
What are the haps my friends
can dinosaur comics merchandise really fix it all? it might, maybe it can
January 18th, 2016:I spend a lot of time thinking about Batman!! I have this many regrets: NONE.