T-Rex: I have a older calculator where the button labels weren't just printed on the top of the buttons - INSTEAD, they go all the way THROUGH the buttons, so you can never wear the labels away!! T-Rex: Yes, I know:
T-Rex: It's AMAZING.
T-Rex: And they don't make calculators like that anymore! It really shows you how far we as a people have fallen from our past heights of calculator manufacturing! Dromiceiomimus: Does it? Or does it show that calculators have become affordable commodities instead of prestige items, so there's no need for features few would ever need or even notice??
Utahraptor: Or MAYBE it shows we now build disposable items for landfills instead of things that can last generations??
T-Rex: I guess what it shows depends on how you look at it. Except for my calculator, because you always know EXACTLY what it shows, because those buttons labels will NEVER WEAR DOWN. And it's not like MATH ever changes!!
Narrator: LATER: MATH CHANGES T-Rex: Well, frig
What are the haps my friends
let me cover the top half of your body
June 1st, 2022:I'm honestly surprised it took me almost 20 years to write a comic inpired by my favourite calculator??