T-Rex: How come toothpaste flavours are always MINT and the MINT-ADJACENT?? I'm an adult! I've got a refined palate!
T-Rex: I'm ready for savoury toothpaste!
Dromiceiomimus: You want your mouth to taste like meat? T-Rex: Oh my god, yes. I brush my teeth and someone kisses me and then they pull back and say "did you just eat a rare-to-medium-rare steak?? Mmm yummy" and then they kiss me some more.
Utahraptor: You ever think some of your fantasies aren't universal? T-Rex: SURE HAVE!
T-Rex: But look: life is finite, flavour is a constellation of possibilities, and every day for DECADES I've been beginning and ending my day with plain ol' mint. And that's changing! T-Rex: That's changing TONIGHT!!
Narrator: THAT NIGHT, T-REX BRUSHES WITH CHILDREN'S TOOTHPASTE. IT'S STRAWBERRY FLAVOURED! T-Rex: ...Huh. T-Rex: Well, decades of mint has ruined me for other flavours, sorry everyone
What are the haps my friends
i made this for you
November 17th, 2021:Honestly though I'm ready for meat paste. I don't even have to rub it on my teeth