T-Rex: Sherlock Holmes, who was fictional but who represented our belief that the world is essentially knowable, sighed.
T-Rex: He was faced with another caper!
T-Rex: Sherlock - who easily solved cases even the best police were baffled by, and who therefore, simply by existing, questioned the very idea of law enforcement - knew that this case would require him to deduce pretty hard. He'd be at 80% of max capacity deductions per minute, easy.
Utahraptor: Luckily he had his friend Watson to help him out! T-Rex: Indeed!
T-Rex: Watson - who, whether portrayed as a fool or a friend, was consistently less able than Sherlock to solve crime, and by his contrast illustrated the 19th century historiographical ideal of the "great man" who has a decisive effect on history - was also there.
Narrator: LATER: T-Rex: Publishers DON'T want "a bold new concept in literature: a book that is at once itself, while simultaneously existing as the complete text of its own Cliff's Notes student guide"?? T-Rex: EXSQUEEZE ME?