Narrator: LOGICAL FALLACY COMICS: today's fallacy: Narrator: "THE STRAW MAN"
T-Rex: The "Straw Man" fallacy isn't so much a fallacy as it is a way of life!
T-Rex: In this fallacy, you present an altered version of your opponent's argument in order to make it appear absurd! You then tear apart this weaker, ridiculous argument and claim victory. Basically it can be summarized as "make stuff up and attribute it to your opponent"! Haha! EXCELLENT.
Utahraptor: What? It's not excellent, T-Rex! It's bad argument technique! T-Rex: Maybe!
T-Rex: BUT, it's also a great way to win debates. And if anyone calls you on it, you just say "Come on. Your attack on me is the real straw man fallacy here; let's be serious." Utahraptor: But that's wrong! Utahraptor: Oh man, remind me never to debate you on the internet EVER.
T-Rex: Hah! T-Rex: Hey, how did you know I use the internet?
What are the haps my friends
the best part of internet comics is wearing them
This comic is from April 7th, 2005! I didn't write things down here back then. Or maybe I did, and they are now LOST FOREVER. But here is a random merchandise image; perhaps you are... tantalized?