Narrator: HOW TO USE FACEBOOK T-Rex: Facebook is a cool social network because your parents are on it!
T-Rex: So here's how to get started on Facebook!
T-Rex: First, make an account. If you don't use your real name then Facebook will kick you off the site. If you DO use your real name then Facebook will store all information you give it, even if you delete your account. Dromiceiomimus: It's like sharing your most personal secrets with a friend who's always trying to figure out ways to make money off you!
T-Rex: Next, tell it who your friends are. Utahraptor: Facebook will start suggesting friends too!
Utahraptor: "Maybe you wanna make friends with your racist aunt?" it'll say. "No? How about someone you kinda remember from high school who got pregnant? Yes? PERFECT. Have some photos of the child of this barely recalled stranger." T-Rex: Yaaaay
What are the haps my friends
members of the attractive sex may be unable to resist you
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