T-Rex: The future! It's what happens after we're not around anymore. And we don't know what it's going to be like, so why not hedge our bets? Live as if things are going to be great forever!
T-Rex: But plant artifacts as if everything's going to end tomorrow!
T-Rex: Because thousands of years after our civilization collapses, survivors might take refuge in a cave and begin exploring. And there, seemingly abandoned, they find something we left behind! Something AMAZING. Something that'll make them wonder and fear the power of the ancients! Dromiceiomimus: What is it? T-Rex: That's exactly what we get to decide!
Utahraptor: It'd have to withstand years of neglect! T-Rex: Yes! And not give up its mysteries easily, either!
Utahraptor: Yeah, we want something to suggest power, grandeur, and nobility - even if it's a nobility we never quite reached. Something to tell everyone that right here, but in another time, we - all of us - were great. T-Rex: Oh my god, YES. Let's do it! Let's make sure the future remembers us as ASTOUNDING.
Narrator: LATER: T-REX AND UTAHRAPTOR JUST BURY FAKE STONE SKELETONS IN THE GROUND T-Rex: I always thought our skeletons looked pretty neat
What are the haps my friends
aw geez, aw geez
April 6th, 2011:This comic was inspired by my friend Tim's article on this subject. Tim writes a lot of good things! It's nice to have friends.