T-Rex: You've lived your whole life near it! You've stolen glances at it EVEN THOUGH everyone says to never do it! You've PROBABLY allowed your top layer of skin to be cooked to death by it more than once!
T-Rex: Now, at last, it's time to learn facts about...
Dromiceiomimus: Let me guess... facts about the sun? T-Rex: The sun, yeah. Dromiceiomimus, did you know the sun weighs over 10 to the THIRTY kilograms, which is more than ten HUNDRED bicycles?? Dromiceiomimus: Yes? Obviously I would've guessed the sun weighs over a thousand bicycles??
Utahraptor: Maybe you need a better comparison that really gets across its massive weight! T-Rex: Right! Right.
T-Rex: Utahraptor, did you know the sun weighs LESS than 10 to the thirty-ONE kilograms, which is FAR less than 10 to the thirty-five kilos of soft pillowy feathers?? Utahraptor: Again: technically true, literally unhelpful!
T-Rex: Wait! Friends, did you know our sun actually weighs LESS than one solar mass - a unit originally DEFINED as the mass of our sun - because it's actually getting LIGHTER every day? Every day it LOSES mass as radiation! Darn thing's shrinking!! Off panel: *sigh*
What are the haps my friends
members of the attractive sex may be unable to resist you
February 14th, 2022:I feel like I'm committing some sort of crime when I write "the sun truly is a loser" but - the facts don't lie??