T-Rex: Oh my god. I'd forgotten for over a decade but I finally remembered. T-Rex: I finally remembered...
Dromiceiomimus: Oh my god, that was our whole lives for like six months. Mustache television! Now THAT was a golden age of television. T-Rex: It was a 10x multiplier on ALL programs without exception! Even nature programs! T-Rex and Dromiceiomimus: MUSTACHE TELEVISION!
Utahraptor: You wanna let me in on the secrets of mustache television? T-Rex: I ABSOLUTELY DO!
T-Rex: Step one: buy a fake mustache. Step two: adhere fake mustache somewhere in the middle of the television. Step three: whenever any face lines up with the mustache so it looks like that face now has a mustache, LOSE YOUR FREAKING MIND.
Banner: MUSTACHE TELEVISION T-Rex: We were also staying up late while drinking adult beverages a lot then, that probably helped
What are the haps my friends
i hope you like it
June 28th, 2021:One time it lined up with the edge of the saucer section on the Enterprise-D. That was a good day